With Patience…
Force is not patience, it’s control
Instead of seeking what I need to do or how I should do it
Just be with ease
The rush in what I should, would and can do is just that a rush
Allowing impulsive thoughts, emotions and behavior to direct me is a misrepresentation of patience
Patience is ease in discipline, discovery and discomfort
It’s not about always knowing or always leading with this force to do
It is what it is
Trying to change, shape or control the ‘it’ can cause distress, distraction and disappointment
But awe this thing we call grace is the ease in the patience
Grace replace stress by being obedience in what you know
Force is not patience, it’s control
We have this ideal that we have to have it all figured out but life is not a destination, it’s a journey of learning, growing and empowering
Allow patience to be with ease by surrendering what you think you should… you fill in the blank
Trust what is it
Affirm with me
I trust what has happened
I trust the joy in what I create
I trust the process of the unknown
I trust I’m capable of what is for me
I trust the ease and what that means for me
Cadedra Burks
With Patience
Evaluation Sunday Blog