Wait til I get my money right
Prove yourself in the little things and watch God bless you abundantly
Evaluation Sunday Blog
It’s hard to wrestle with what the flesh wants and what your spirit actually needs. You have to learn to discipline your habits and wants. God will resource his followers, learn to say no to the things you really don’t need or things you don’t really need to do. Discipline how you spend your money, say no to going out all the time, getting your hair done all the time, going out to eat all the time and so on. Budget is key. Invest in what you got in order in order to get what you desire to have. Take some inventory and see what you have and where you want to get to. God requires follow up. You need accountability; someone to remind you of your goals and aspirations. You also have to be consistent with your labor. You got to put in work. God rewards faithfulness. Prove yourself in the little things and watch God bless you abundantly. What is big to you, is small to God. Too much is given much that’s tested. Be good in stewardship. Save your money, invest you money and have generational wealth. You can’t have a broken mindset, expecting to get rich. You have to learn to be disciplined. Start today!
Wait til I get my money right!
Matthew 25:14-30
Brian J Edmonds