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Being Present in SMELLING

Smell is subjective but how you perceive it isn’t 


Smell is subjective but how you perceive it isn’t 

Oftentimes when we think of our norm, we will expect everything and everyone to align with it 

The reality of smell is the differences, similarities or indifference 

When we understand that our needs, values, feelings, trauma and self care regimen is a reflection of our mind, body, soul and spirit; this is access to our garden 

Assess your smell in your garden by knowing what seeds need to be planted, what stem needs to be water, what flower needs some sun and what no longer needs nurturing 

Smell can change with exposure to different environments 

Assess what smells make you feel good

Assess what smells triggers you negatively

Assess what smells gets you in the mood

Assess what smells relax you

Assess what smells help you focus

Check in with your garden by knowing what’s  necessary for you to thrive to continue your journey of learning, growing and empowering 

Cadedra Burks 

Being Present in SMELLING 

Evaluation Sunday Blog


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